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Perspectives on Innovation and Intellectual property rights in China and India

By Kung-Chung Liu

India and China, two of the most populous nations in the developing world, face the challenge of constantly staying competitive in the endless innovation process. The two countries need mutual understanding and cooperation in the area of intellectual property law and intellectual property intensive industries. Such a common understanding will positively impact regional development in India and China. Still, academic scholarship in this area is scarce.

This research project offers an in-depth analysis of the relationship between innovation and intellectual property rights in India and China. In particular, this project explores whether the existing national intellectual property rights help promote innovation and, if so, in what ways. This project addresses this important topic from a variety of perspectives and employs an interdisciplinary approach, which engages in the discussion of the link between intellectual property rights and innovation from the perspectives of legal analysis as well as business management and economics. Notably, the project starts with a doctrinal analysis that elaborates on whether and how intellectual property rights promote innovation in India and China, and in general. The project then proceeds with several empirical studies on the interrelationship between intellectual property protection and innovation. This part of the project again addresses specifically India and China.

The outcome of this project is a book titled “Perspectives on Innovation and IPRs in China and India: Myths, Realities and Opportunities” edited by Professor Kung-Chung Liu & Professor Uday S. Racherla (Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur), which has been published by Springer Publishing in 2016.

Last updated on 13 Mar 2017 .